Sunday, April 27, 2008

Man Nabbed Conning Freshers

Bogere Mugogo at the Faculty of Arts after being Arrested (Pictured with Graduation Photo)
A man, claiming to be a former student of Makerere University and an employee of the Presidents Office, Bogere Mugogo Nathan was nabbed conning Freshers of money (read tuition).
This happened on Monday August 6th at the Faculty of Arts, Makerere University. Mugogo, claiming to be a holder of a master’s degree in Education from Makerere University had conned, the previous Friday, one Kyolaba Florence who is a vaccist from Kajjansi progressive of 65,000/= claiming that he had access to the Admission office of Makerere. “He showed me the identity card for the deputy president of Makerere University and I believed him”, says Florence. Mugogo then immediately brought her an admission letter and bank slips.
The admission letter indicated that Kyolaba had been admitted for a Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in Arts at Makerere on the private sponsorship scheme, which she also knew. He also told Florence that she had delayed to pick her admission for the course and that’s why she lost her place on government sponsorship.
Mr. Mugogo then went ahead to request Florence to bring 700,000/= for payment of tuition of her course. The official tuition amount for Arts in Arts is 450,000/=.
Kyolaba, on taking her bank slips home realized that they were not stamped and came to the faculty office on the fateful Monday for clarification.
“When I saw the letter, I realized it was fake, I looked into the records and found that her actual registration letter was here uncollected but with a different registration number from that of the fake letter.” says Mr. Watsoma Moses who’s in charge of admissions in Faculty of Arts. The administrators then laid a trap for the unsuspecting conman by having Kyolaba summon him up on his mobile phone to pick up the remaining tuition money. It did not take long for him to show up at the faculty premises where he was immediately apprehended.
Mugogo had on himself certificates of a November 2003 Masters Degree in education from Makerere University and an Identity card of Presidents office issued of February 2004 to him as Deputy director of Education,. He also possessed an old Makerere university identity card of him as a third year Bachelors of Education student and a resident of University Hall. However, the ID card had uncorresponding serial numbers at the font and at its back. Mugogo also had an Identity card identifying him as a Head Teacher at St Joseph Mixed Day and boarding SSS Katosi, issued on 20th may this year by the District chairman on behalf of Mukono District Private Schools Association.
Mugogo carried on himself several certificates of teacher Training courses especially from Kyambogo.
He was later transferred to Wandegeya police station for further questioning.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Building Healthy Leaders (un Emerging Leader)

Maintenant l'émergence d'un leader. Vous êtes déjà un leader. Je suis si reconnaissante que Dieu vous a placé dans ma vie. J'ai vraiment besoin de vous! Premièrement, s’il vous plaît m'apprendre la Parole de Dieu - car la vérité, c'est la vie. La vérité peut changer ma façon de penser. Il peut transformer ma vie. Mais j'ai besoin de vous pour m'apprendre avec l'onction et la conviction du Saint-Esprit, non seulement avec des mots, mais avec conviction et le pouvoir. Toutefois, s’il vous plaît ne pas simplement m'apprendre; J'ai besoin de vous pour partager ta vie avec moi. Ne pas m'apprendre que théorique idées; être transparents avec votre vie. Parlez-moi de votre expérience de Dieu, sur les victoires que vous l'avez vu, et sur les échecs que vous avez eu. Vos espoirs, vos déceptions, vos joies, vos frustrations - partager tous avec moi. En plus d'instruire moi, s’il vous plaît véritablement s'engager avec moi dans ma vie. J'ai besoin de savoir que vous avez vraiment à moi, que votre intention n'est pas simplement de former moi de faire certaines choses, puis de m'envoyer un fantassin dans votre armée. S’il vous plaît n'utilisez pas moi. J'ai besoin de savoir que vous m'aimez et sont attachés à moi. Exprimer cet engagement pour moi dans diverses manières. Quand je fais les choses bien, affirment moi. Quand je fais des erreurs, de me tenir responsable, avec amour et douceur, me corriger. S’il vous plaît me donner des responsabilités, les responsabilités qui conviennent à ma maturité. Certaines tâches devraient être banales pour construire servanthood dans ma vie. Mais aussi me donner des choses importantes qui augmentent ma vision et aider à clarifier ma vocation. Soigneusement la conception de ces responsabilités afin qu'ils s'étendent moi et me force à apprendre, de grandir et de se tourner vers Dieu pour le succès. Comme je remplir ces responsabilités, ne pas me laisser seul; être avec moi et m'encouragent. Et non seulement vous; s’il vous plaît construire d'autres relations autour de ma vie. Encourager les autres mature frères et sœurs dans l'Eglise comme moi à embrasser leur fils spirituel. Aidez-les à savoir la manière d'engager avec moi dans la pratique et significative des moyens de ma vie. Dans leur vie, je vais voir ce que cela signifie d'être un croyant mature. Je vais voir. Non seulement vous m'apprenez à ce sujet, je suis aussi allez le voir. J'ai pas le voir! J'ai besoin de voir les mariages qui, si elle n'est pas parfaite, sont en bonne santé. Dans peu de temps, je vais être mariés. J'ai besoin de savoir ce que cela signifie et comment cela fonctionne. Tu m'a appris que le mari doit aimer sa femme comme le Christ aime son Église. En raison de la présence de l'Esprit sur votre enseignement, j'ai été ému et touché par elle, j'étais tellement ému J'ai pleuré quand j'ai vu cela dans les Ecritures. Mais j'ai encore besoin de le voir dans la vie. Je dois le voir. Je dois le voir dans la vie autour de moi. J'ai besoin de ces gens aussi se promener avec moi dans la vie. Comme je vais à travers les expériences, les responsabilités et les pressions, je dois savoir que je ne suis pas le faire par moi-même, mais il y en ad'autres qui sont avec moi, attaché à moi, affirmant moi, m'encourageant, et de prier pour moi. Dans leur vie, je vais voir comment endurer. Je sais qu'il me faut endurer, tu m'a appris ce bien. Mais j'ai besoin de le voir. J'ai besoin d'être avec vous quand vous allez à travers certains de terribles souffrances ardente. Je vais vous regarder endurer. C'est comme ça que je vais retenir. Voilà comment je vais vraiment l'obtenir. Donc s’il vous plaît m'emmener avec vous parfois. Permettez-moi de vous regarder comme vous le faites leadership stuff. J'adore votre enseignement, mais j'ai besoin de vous voir réellement le faire! Comme je marche avec vous et que nous faisons des choses ensemble, je vais en apprendre plus profondément ce que signifie être un leader. Je vais vous regarder comme vous prendre des décisions difficiles dans les situations difficiles. Je vais vous regarder vous priez pour que le peuple vous servir, et quand vous pleurez pour eux. Je serai avec vous lorsque vous êtes malade avec les gens. Je serai avec vous lorsque vous corriger ceux qui se sont trompés. Voilà comment je vais apprendre à le faire moi-même. Comme vous regarde ma vie, aidez-moi voir le but de Dieu pour moi et me donner des affectations. Cesse de rechercher les occasions de me mettre au travail. Ne permettez-moi d'être passif. Ne permettez-moi de s'asseoir à une distance et d'être tranquille. Dessine-moi à dire: «Hé, viens à mon fils! Regardez la vision de Dieu. Regardez ce que Dieu fait, et ce que vous pouvez être et à faire en Lui. Come on! "Affirmer la vocation J'ai sur ma vie. Affirmer que Dieu m'a donné un merveilleux but. Toujours être en face de moi, en disant: Viens! Vous pouvez le faire! "Lorsque j'ai répondu:« Non je ne peux pas », me disent:« Oui, vous pouvez. "Affirmons moi. Challenge moi. Ensuite, envoyez-moi au large pour aller faire, avec d'autres personnes autour de moi. S’il vous plaît intentionnellement me connecter avec d'autres personnes autour de moi - avec le ministère et les partenaires et les équipes. Sagement me connecter avec d'autres personnes qui complètent la façon dont Dieu m'a fait. Parfois, vous devriez intentionnellement me connecter avec des gens avec qui tu sais que j'aurai conflits. Et nous allons commencer à entrer dans peu de désaccords, et quelques étincelles volera. Et puis, je vous sentirez mal. Je remarque que vous avez été à me voir au cours de ces conflits, et je vous sentirez comme si je n'ai let you down. Mais alors je vois que vous n'êtes pas rompu. Vous arriverez à moi avec soin et amour. Vous allez dire: «Hey, come on! Let's creuser cette question. Il ya quelques mauvaises choses dans votre vie, ne sont pas là? Et cette relation, cette circonstance, a mis en place le pire. So, let's dig it out now. " Dans le passé, j'avais peur de laisser quiconque toucher ceux intérieure profonde des choses, mais vous avez construit une relation solide. Je sais que vous êtes pour moi, je sais que vous êtes attaché à moi. Alors, prudemment, je vais ouvrir un peu. Et vous prier avec moi et regarder par-dessus quelques-unes des douleurs dans ma vie. Nous vous regarderont ensemble. Doucement, vous m'encourager à pardonner à ceux qui ont causé du tort moi. Vous allez me conduire à travers le libérant de l'amertume et la douleur. Vous allez m'aider à comprendre ce conflit que j'avais dans le rapport - que la relation n'a pas causé de problèmes dans mon coeur et elle ne leur a donné l'occasion d'être exposés. Comme vous travailler avec moi, grâce à cela, je comprends plus comment Dieu traite avec moi dans les luttes de la vie. Il me permet de passer par le feu. Je vais vous rappeler que vous m'a appris à propos de cette première lettre de Pierre, je le connais maintenant dans ma vie. Les autres mères et les pères spirituels vont nourrir ce doucement la transparence et l'honnêteté dans ma vie. Pour faire face à tout cela, me soumettant à la vérité, me soumettant à Dieu, à travers ces profondes, une éducation, les soins, responsable des relations, au milieu des défis, les complexités et les pressions de la vie, Dieu va changer moi. Je me retrouve libre. Je vais réaliser que j'apprends la vraie nature de la vie chrétienne. J'apprends ce que la nature du leadership est. Pas seulement la doctrine. Pas seulement quelques "huit points" que quelqu'un dit est important. Mais je suis vraiment. Je vois. Je suis en train de changer. Je suis en train de changer par la vérité de la Parole, dans la puissance de l'Esprit, au milieu d'un aimant, une éducation, responsables de famille, en passant par la profondeur, les expériences difficiles de la vie. Je retrouve Dieu. Je vais le voir dans votre vie, et dans la vie des autres personnes qui sont autour de moi, attaché à moi. Je vais apprendre à prier, parce que je vous regardent prier. Je vais vous regarder adorer Dieu. De cette manière, je vais apprendre ce que signifie adorer Dieu. Je vais voir dans la Parole la merveilleuse révélation de la façon dont je suis faite pour l'adorer. Je comprends cela. Et puis, je le ferai, parce que vous encourager à me faire. Je sais comment le faire, parce que je vous avez vu faire. Comme je le fais, je serai encore plus changé par l'Esprit. Je vais venir à Le connaître. Je vais apprendre à tourner mon cœur à Lui, pour Lui trouver, pour voir Lui, à Le connaître. Je vais connaître Dieu. Et je vais avoir la bonne doctrine sur Dieu. Je vais apprendre ce que signifie être un ami, car j'ai des amis. Ils m'aiment et moi restons déterminés à agir, même quand je laid. Ils seront toujours là pour moi. Elles ne vont pas me rejeter. Vous serez là pour moi. Ensuite, je vais commencer à réaliser ce que vous avez enseigné moi, que Dieu dit, il ne pourra jamais me rejeter. Ce que tu m'a appris sur Osée va commencer à donner un sens à mes yeux - que même si Osée l'épouse n'était pas fidèle, il est resté fidèle à sa. Et Dieu dit à son peuple: «C'est comme ça que je vous traiter. Je ne vous abandonnera jamais. "Quand je me souviendrai de vous m'a enseigné - à ce moment-là mon coeur s'est réjoui, et de nouveau il ya eu une si belle présence de Dieu que j'ai pleuré dans l'enseignement. Mais maintenant je vais voir plus clair, plus riche, parce que je vous vois faire. J'ai compris que les Écritures, mais je n'étais pas sûr de ce qu'il attend comme dans la vie. Comment serait-il? J'ai eu beaucoup de questions. Mais maintenant que vous avez répondu à mes questions, et pas seulement dans votre enseignement, mais dans votre vie. Parce que je le vois, je le sais maintenant. Je croyais que je savais, et d'une manière je l'ai fait. Mais maintenant j'ai vraiment le connaître. Il a changé de moi. Dans tous les moments difficiles, je ne serai pas seule, vous serez là avec moi. Je sais qu'il me suffit de vous donner un coup de fil. Si je viens plus et je frappe à votre porte, vous aurez été là pour moi. Et pas seulement quand je viendrai après vous, mais vous pourrez aussi venir après moi, et me tenir responsable. Même dans les moments où je veux courir, quand je veux cacher, vous ne me laisse pas. Non pas dans un mode dominant, mais avec l'affirmation, vous arriverez à moi. Vous allez dire: «Come on! Regardons les choses en face les problèmes, regardons les choses en face ce genre de choses ensemble. On peut s'élever au-dessus de lui. Ensemble nous crient vers Dieu. Au milieu de la difficulté et de la pression, en même temps, intéressons-nous à Dieu, à voir Sa part dans votre vie. " Je vais apprendre ce que signifie travailler avec des personnes, en vous observant. Je vais apprendre à travailler avec des gens sympas. Je vais apprendre à travailler avec des personnes difficiles. Je vais apprendre ce que cela signifie d'avoir un bon mariage, car vous invitons intentionnellement moi de voir ce qui se passe réellement dans les mariages. Et quand je pense avoir trouvé ma femme, vous nous aiderez. Vous pourrez également vous connecter avec nous mature couples, et ils feront part de leur vie et les luttes transparente avec nous. Je trouve que tous les déchets et au monde qui était présent dans ma vie va chuter. Je vais être modifié que par la Vérité. Je vais être modifiées par l'action de l'Esprit. Je vais être changé à cet épris de la communauté autour de moi, que nous marchons ensemble dans les expériences, les souffrances et les difficultés de la vie. Dieu va construire véritable sainteté de ma vie, de me faire un homme de l'intégrité - et non pas simplement quelqu'un qui connaît les bonnes choses à dire, pas simplement quelqu'un qui sait comment agir correctement quand les autres regardent, mais un authentique homme de l'intégrité - parce que vous Ont travaillé avec profondément ma vie. Vous n'étiez pas content avec les choses superficielles. Vous avez créé des expériences pour moi qui m'a donné la possibilité de montrer ce qui est réellement dans mon coeur. Puis, quand tout ce qui était il est sorti, vous avez été là pour moi, de m'avoir aidé à le comprendre en fonction de la vérité de la Parole de Dieu, de m'avoir aidé à présenter à Lui, de l'offrir à l'Éternel, et véritablement recevoir sa grâce -- Pas seulement connaître sa grâce, mais en fait le recevoir. Quelque chose a changé en moi; intérieurement, dans mon coeur, une véritable intégrité est né. Je sais que je ne suis pas parfait. Je sais que je ne vais pas être parfait, parce que quand je vous regarde, je ne vois pas la perfection. Donc je sais que ça va être pas différente pour moi. Mais je sais que je vais bien le faire, parce que j'ai vu dans votre vie. Je veux être comme vous. Comme je vois la façon dont vous chercher Dieu pour votre but et la destinée de l'église, je regarde comme vous le faites, mon coeur sera saisi, parce que je vois ton cœur pincé. Je vais voir votre passion, votre vision. Comme je vois le sacrifice de votre vie - comme je vois que - qui amènera encore de ma volonté de sacrifice. Je vais regarder comme l'on regarde l'ensemble du complexe de choses autour de vous, tous de la complexité de ce qui se passe dans votre vie et votre ministère. Je vous n'êtes pas débordés. Mais vous avez répondu à cette rupture avec la complexité et l'approfondissement regardant le visage de Dieu. I'll see you do that. I'll be watching you. Je verrai comment vous êtes capable de regarder tout ça trouble trucs compliqués et ensuite prendre une décision et dire: «Voilà où nous allons aller." Par le leader de l'Esprit, vous définir une orientation claire. Qui me touchent. Je vais garder à l'esprit que pour le reste de ma vie. Je vais apprendre à faire la même chose moi-même, sans même se rendre compte que j'apprends. Je me trouve dans des situations compliquées et ma première réaction sera de se tourner vers Dieu - parce que c'est ce que vous avez fait. Je vous ai vu faire plusieurs fois. Alors, sans même y penser, je vais faire la même chose. Somehow vos capacités à réfléchir en termes stratégiques et à prendre des décisions devront déteint sur moi. Je vais avoir développé cette capacité de penser. Non seulement à réfléchir mais aussi d'agir. Je vais vous ont vu faire. Je vais vous ont vu tant de fois où une moindre homme ou une femme aurait été paralysé par l'indécision. Mais vous avez pris la responsabilité. Vous n'avez pas pris la facilité. Vous avez pris la responsabilité, en dépit de la complexité et, parfois, le coût. Je vais vous faire l'avons vu que de nombreuses fois. Je n'avais pas réalisé que je regardais comme vous, d'une certaine manière, il m'a touché également. Maintenant, je vais faire la même chose, parce que grâce à votre enseignement que vous avez changé de moi. En mettant à Dieu m'a encore et encore dans tant de manières différentes, vous avez changé de moi. Par votre exemple et votre interaction, vous avez changé de moi, comme vous l'avez parcouru avec moi à travers les difficultés et les défis de ma vie. Ensuite, je remarque que vous avez donnée m'a occasions où je peux servir les autres de la même manière - si je peux être à leur ce que vous avez été pour moi. Un jour, tout à coup, je vais rendre compte que les gens se tournent vers moi pour le leadership. Et je vais reconnaître que Dieu a été élever jusqu'à moi de conduire et de servir son peuple. Grâce à d'autres vies autour de moi, par l'intermédiaire de sa Présence, par sa Parole, dans les expériences de la vie, Dieu a changé moi, m'a préparée, construite moi. Je sais que je ne serez jamais parfait, mais maintenant, je peux le faire. Je peux conduire. J'ai été construits - bien construit.

Building Healthy Leaders (an Emerging Leader)

Iam an emerging leader. You are an existing leader. I’m so grateful that God has placed you in my life. I really need you!
First, please teach me the Word of God – because the Truth is life. The Truth can change my thinking. It can transform my life. But I need you to teach me with the anointing and conviction of the Holy Spirit; not only with words, but with conviction and power.
However, please don’t simply teach me; I need you to share your life with me. Don’t teach me only theoretical ideas; be transparent with your life. Tell me about your experiences of God, about the victories you have seen, and about the failures you have had. Your hopes, your disappointments, your joys, your frustrations – share it all with me.
In addition to instructing me, please genuinely engage with me in my life. I need to know that you really care about me, that your intention is not merely to train me to do certain things and then send me out as a foot-soldier in your army. Please don’t use me. I need to know that you love me and are committed to me. Express this commitment to me in variety of ways. When I do things well, affirm me. When I make errors, hold me accountable; with love and gentleness, correct me.
Please give me responsibilities; responsibilities that are appropriate to my maturity. Some should be mundane tasks to build servanthood in my life. But also give me important things that increase my vision and help clarify my calling. Carefully design these responsibilities so they stretch me and force me to learn, to grow, and to look to God for success.
As I fulfill those responsibilities, don’t leave me alone; be with me and encourage me. And not only you; please build other relationships around my life. Encourage other mature brothers and sisters in the church to embrace me as their spiritual son. Help them know how to engage with me in practical and meaningful ways in my life. In their lives I’ll see what it means to be a mature believer. I’ll see it. Not only will you teach me about it; I’m also going to see it. I’ve got to see it!
I need to see marriages that, while not perfect, are healthy. In a little while I’m going to be married. I need to know what it means and how it works. You taught me that the husband should love his wife as Christ loves His church. Because of the Presence of the Spirit upon your teaching, I was moved and touched by it; I was so moved I wept when I saw this in the Scriptures. But I still need to see it in life. I must see it. I’ve got to see it in lives around me.
I need those people also to walk with me in life. As I’m going through experiences, responsibilities and pressures, I must know that I’m not doing it by myself, but there are others who are with me, committed to me, affirming me, encouraging me, and praying for me. In their lives I will see how to endure. I know I need to endure; you taught me this well. But I need to see it. I need to be with you when you go through some terrible fiery sufferings. I’ll watch you endure. That’s how I’m going to remember. That’s how I will really get it.
So please take me with you sometimes. Let me watch you as you do leadership stuff. I love your teaching, but I need to see you actually do it!
As I walk with you and as we do things together, I will learn more deeply what it means to be a leader. I will watch you as you make difficult decisions in hard situations. I will watch you as you pray for the people you are serving, and when you weep for them. I will be with you when you are patient with people. I will be with you when you correct those who are wrong. That’s how I will learn to do it myself.
As you look at my life, help me see the purpose of God for me and give me assignments. Continually look for opportunities to put me to work. Never allow me to be passive. Don’t let me sit at a distance and be quiet. Draw me out saying, “Hey, come on my son! Look at the vision of God. Look at what God’s doing, and what you can be and do in Him. Come on!” Affirm the calling I’ve got on my life. Affirm that God has given me a wonderful purpose. Always be in front of me, saying, “Come on! You can do it!” When I respond, “No I can’t,’ tell me, “Yes, you can.” Affirm me. Challenge me. Then send me off to go and do it, with others around me.
Please intentionally connect me with others around me – with ministry partners and teams. Wisely connect me with other people who complement how God made me. Sometimes you should intentionally connect me with people with whom you know I will have conflicts. And we’ll start to get into little disagreements, and some sparks will fly. And then I’ll feel bad. I’ll notice that you have been watching me during these conflicts, and I’ll feel as if I have let you down. But then I will see that you are not upset. You will reach out to me with care and love. You’ll say, “Hey, come on! Let’s dig into this. There are some bad things in your life, aren’t there? And this relationship, this circumstance, has brought up the worst. So, let’s dig it out now.”
In the past, I was afraid to let anyone touch those deep inner things, but you’ve built a strong relationship. I know you are for me, I know you are committed to me. So, cautiously, I will open up a little bit. And you’ll pray with me and look over some of the pains in my life. We’ll stare at it together. Gently you’ll encourage me to forgive those who have wronged me. You’ll lead me through the releasing of bitterness and pain. You’ll help me understand this conflict that I had in the relationship – that the relationship didn’t cause the issues in my heart; it simply gave them an opportunity to be exposed. As you work with me through this, I will understand more how God deals with me in the struggles of life. He allows me to go through the fire. I’ll remember that you taught me about this from Peter’s first letter; now I know it in my life. Other spiritual mothers and fathers will gently nurture this transparency and honesty in my life.
In dealing with all this, submitting myself to Truth, submitting myself to God, through these deep, nurturing, caring, accountable relationships, in the midst of the challenges, complexities and pressures of life, God will change me. I’ll find myself freer. I’ll realize that I’m learning the true nature of the Christian life. I’m learning what the nature of leadership is. Not just the doctrine. Not just some “eight points” that someone says is important. But I’m really getting it. I’m seeing it. I’m being changed. I’m being changed by the Truth of the Word, in the power of the Spirit, in the midst of a loving, nurturing, accountable family, going through the deep, challenging experiences of life. I’m finding God.
I’ll see Him in your life, and in the lives of the others who are around me, committed to me. I’ll learn how to pray, because I watch you pray. I’ll watch you worship God. In this way I’ll learn what it means to worship God. I’ll see in the Word the wonderful revelation of how I’m made just to worship Him. I will understand this. And then I’ll do it, because you will encourage me to do it. I’ll know how to do it because I have seen you do it. As I do it, I’ll be changed even more by the Spirit. I’ll come to know Him. I’ll learn how to turn my heart to Him, to find Him, to see Him, to know Him. I’ll know God. And I’ll have good doctrine about God too.
I’ll learn what it means to be a friend because I have friends. They will love me and remain committed to me even when I act ugly. They will always be there for me. They won’t reject me. You will be there for me. Then I’ll start to realize what you’ve been teaching me, that God says He will never reject me. What you taught me about Hosea will start to make sense to me – that even though Hosea’s wife was not faithful, he remained faithful to her. And God said to His people, “That’s how I treat you. I will never abandon you.” I will remember when you taught me – at that time my heart rejoiced, and again there was such a beautiful presence of God that I wept in the teaching. But now I’ll see it more clearly, more richly, because I see you do it. I understood the Scripture, but I wasn’t sure what it looked like in life. How would it work? I had many questions. But now you have answered my questions, not just in your teaching but in your life. Because I see it, now I know. I thought I knew it, and in a way I did. But now I really know it. It has changed me.
In all the difficult times, I will not be alone; you will be there with me. I know that I only need to give you a call. If I come over and knock on your door, you’ll been there for me. And not only when I come after you, but you will come after me too, and hold me accountable. Even at times when I want to run, when I want to hide, you won’t let me. Not in a dominating way, but with affirmation, you will reach out to me. You’ll say, “Come on! Let’s face the issues, let’s face this stuff together. You can rise above it. Together let’s cry out to God. In the midst of the difficulty and pressure, together let’s look to God, to see His hand in your life.”
I will learn what it means to work with people, by watching you. I’ll learn how to work with nice people. I’ll learn how to work with difficult people. I’ll learn what it means to have a healthy marriage, because you will intentionally invite me to see what really happens in marriages. And when I think I have found my wife, you will help us. You will also connect us with mature couples, and they will share their lives and struggles transparently with us.
I’ll find that all the junk and worldliness that used to be in my life will drop off. I’ll be changed by the Truth. I’ll be changed by the work of the Spirit. I’ll be changed in this loving community around me, as we walk together in the experiences, sufferings and challenges of life. God will build true holiness in my life, making me a man of integrity – not merely someone who knows the right things to say, not merely someone who knows how to act properly when others are watching, but a man of true integrity – because you have worked deeply with my life. You were not content with superficial things. You created experiences for me that gave me the opportunities to show what was really in my heart. Then when all that was there came out, you were there for me, helping me to understand it according to the Truth of the Word of God, helping me to submit to Him, to give it to the Lord, and genuinely receive His grace – not just know about His grace, but actually receive it. Something changed in me; inwardly, in my heart, genuine integrity was born. I know I’m not perfect. I know I’m not going to be perfect, because when I look at you I don’t see perfection. So I know it’s going to be no different for me. But I know I’m going to do well, because I have seen it in your life.
I want to be like you. As I see the way that you seek God for your purpose and the destiny of the church, as I watch you do that, my heart will be gripped, because I see your heart gripped. I’ll see your passion, your vision. As I see the sacrifice of your life – as I see that – that will bring forth my willingness to sacrifice.
I’ll watch as you look at all the complex things around you, all of the complexity of what’s happening in your life and ministry. I’ll see you are not overwhelmed. But you respond to this complexity with brokenness and a deeper looking at the Face of God. I’ll see you do that. I’ll be watching you. I will see how you are able to look at all that complicated murky stuff and then make a decision and say, “Here is where we are going to go.” By the leading of the Spirit, you establish a clear direction. That will affect me. I’ll remember that for the rest of my life. I will learn how to do the same thing myself, without even realizing that I’m learning this. I will find myself in complicated situations and my first response will be to look to God – because that’s what you did. I’ve seen you do it many times. So without even thinking about it, I will do the same thing. Somehow your abilities to think strategically and make decisions will have rubbed off on me. I’ll have developed this capacity to think. Not only to think, but also to act. I’ll have seen you do it. I’ll have watched you so many times where a lesser man or woman would have been paralyzed with indecision. But you took the responsibility. You didn’t take the easy way out. You took the responsibility in spite of the complexity and, at times, the cost. I’ll have seen you do that numerous times. I didn’t realize that as I was watching you, somehow it affected me too. Now I’ll do the same thing, because through your teaching you have changed me. By bringing me to God again and again in so many different ways, you have changed me. By your example and your interaction, you have changed me, as you walked with me through the difficulties and challenges of my life.
Then I will notice that you’ve given me opportunities where I can serve others in the same way – where I can be to them what you have been to me.
One day, suddenly, I will realize that people are looking to me for leadership. And I will recognize that God has been raising me up to lead and serve His people. Through other lives around me, through His Presence, by His Word, in the experiences of life, God has changed me, prepared me, built me. I know I’ll never be perfect, but now I can do it. I can lead. I’ve been built – well built.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Pafre Consult ltd


Management and Research Consultancy


Pafre Consult exists to facilitate the process of positive change
by being the leading provider of objective independent
analysis, information and insight interactively
on issues related to success of our clients.


The Marketing Director,
Pafre Consult ltd,
Tel: +256-782-012-552, +256-782-488860,+256-712-950931

Pafre Consult engages in numerous research and management consulting services and deals not only with NGOs, private multinational bodies but also with various government agencies.

The company maintains a core staff in research, organizational management with capacity building a distinct component, policy analysis, financial management, institutional analysis, and transformational leadership. We also maintain a list of a wide pool of consultants that can be called upon when needed to extend professional advice and assistance in market and social research; and all aspects of a project cycle from project identification and conceptualization, to project design and formulation, to project management and ex-post evaluation.

Pafre Consult exists to facilitate the process positive change and development, by being the leading provider of objective, independent analysis, information and insights, interactively, on issues critical to success.

At Pafre Consult we have values, which shape our lives; we passionately believe that corporate values are guiding yardsticks. They help to provide boundaries on how a company `behaves` and conducts business and helps to express the approach adapted by Pafre Consult to our clients. At Pafre Consult, we have five key values to express our approach to business.

1.1.1 Doing things in a mature and professional manner
This manifests itself in asking clients exigent (powerful) questions and remaining honest` to a project. We flag up issues that may be controversial and we look to see if there is a smarter way that companies could be operating. We report what we find, even if it’s not always the news that clients want to hear. Looking at the way a client organization operates through a `fresh pair of eyes` is one of our most powerful insights and one we preciously guard.

1.1.2 Decisive Approach
Some business problems can be intricate, the solutions complex, but our approach is to provide clear and unequivocal solutions designed to make a difference.

1.1.3 In search for the best alternative
Einstein once said: `there is nothing that is more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different! So, we apply ourselves to thinking about how your organization could and should be meeting customer requirements.

1.1.4 Insight with Action
We are passionate that even small insight and knowledge, coupled to management action is far more powerful than considerable knowledge that remains idle. Pafre Consult focus is always on delivering positive change, through implementing what has been discovered voluminous reports that gather dust on shelves play no part in our business.

1.1.5 Making a Difference
Our motivation comes from leaving an organization stronger than when we arrived. If the difference is not tangible and obvious, then the opportunity has been missed.

2.1.1 Social research
§ Qualitative and quantitative research
§ Baseline surveys
§ Management performance and analysis
§ Research instruments design and administration
§ Secondary Data capturing and management
§ Primary Data collection, handling, analysis and reporting
2.1.2 Market Research
Our market research capability guides the investment decisions of a number of foreign and locally based companies. Our market studies cover industries such as food and beverages, telecommunications, banking, micro finance, transport, pharmaceuticals, tourism and mining etc.

Conference and workshop organization
Pafre Consult also plans and facilitates conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia, dialogues, panels and debates among others.

Private and public institutions seek consultation on the various services of Pafre consult, which include solicitation of participants, sponsors, and guest speakers; selection and booking of the venue, arranging hotel accommodation and transportation for participants; preparing function materials and presentation slides; covering proceedings and generating conclusions reports; arranging media relations; and leasing of conference equipment, among others.

2.1.3 Feasibility Studies
This answers the critical what, when, why, where and how` components of a project. Some of our clients describe this as `concept development` and helps to `pull` the project together, answering fundamental questions on viability, need and demand. Given the importance of creating a robust and creative piece of work, you will get only experienced and mature heads working on your project.

We help companies decide the appropriate location for manufacturing facilities, the most efficient way to ensure raw material supply, how to acquire a major trading firm, the creation of an appropriate corporate vehicle to address expansion plans, the conversion of a debt owed into equity, and the most suitable way to recover financial exposure in losing firms. We have also guided companies on entering into new products, services or markets.

2.1.4 Business Planning
At Pafre, believe it or not, we are passionate about business planning, following the feasibility study; we can work independently or with your management team to develop the `look and feel` of the service offer, pricing policy and financial forecasts.

2.1.5 Marketing Support
We can provide a portfolio of marketing services both for one-off projects and for an entire strategy. We work at a strategic level or tactical implementation and services encompass:
§ Marketing strategy, including brand development, market positioning.
§ Customer research using in depth interviews, focus groups, postal and Internet surveys and other research aspects.
§ Market research and investigations for a new product launch, market entry strategy, competitor audit etc.
§ Staff attitude surveys.
§ Service quality investigations or sometimes known as `mystery shopping` initiatives to establish operational deficiencies and follow up actions.
§ Sales strategy.
2.1.6 Investment Assistance
Pafre provides consulting services to evaluate the investment options of various companies. Some of Pafre’s activities in this field include: Establishment of a joint venture for a group of companies engaged in business to regain their viability in the industry among others.

2.2.1 Project formulation, management, monitoring and evaluation
We have a pool of consultants and experts and in-house technical staff with varied experience and expertise on some or all of the aspects of the project cycle from project formulation, to management and monitoring and ex-post evaluation and research.
§ Strategic planning
§ Project identification and conceptualization
§ Project design and implementation
§ Project monitoring and evaluation
§ Project impact assessment
§ Development of information, education communication (IEC) Materials
2.2.2 Strategic planning
Our expertise is tapped in formulating long-tem development strategic plans for various NGOs, government structures, and industrial sectors, evaluating divestiture programs, among other things that help them to meet their objectives.
2.2.3 Policy research and advocacy
We undertake research and advocacy to help shape policy-making in NGOs, government and private agencies.
2.3 Organisational development
Pafre Consult is a specialist in the analysis of organizational and institutional processes. Pafre Consult develops a wide range of capacity building training and advisory services in the field of institutional development and organizational strengthening. These two concepts are two sides of the same coin and cannot be seen separately. While in organizational strengthening we are mainly looking at the internal change processes within organizations, institutional development is focused on how organizations change to maintain their relevance and impact in the wider context of society. All our actions in different degrees are aimed at achieving impact and change at this wider institutional level. We can provide knowledge, skills and expertise if needed but we cannot and will not take over the organizational challenge to create change. With our strong expertise in participatory techniques, we facilitate the management of an organization to mobilize and focus the motivation and energy of the individuals working in it, to gain strength and effectiveness in its operations and make it able to explore new roads.
We develop a discussion model to involve staff in the diagnosis and analysis of challenges or bottlenecks in the functioning of the organization. Pafre facilitates/guides organizations and institutions to work on a plan for change through capacity in two broad spectrums; that is ‘organizational capacity building’ and ‘individual/community capacity building’;
2.3.1 Organizational capacity building
§ Technical input through provision of training to agency’s staff.
§ Developing comprehensive approach to the development of an organization
§ Work place HIV/AIDS and other pandemic diseases policy development
§ Support the implementation of the organizations long-term development programs that entail step-by-step policy reform.
§ Management information systems
§ Public relations strategies
§ Institutional and financial assessment
§ Design and implementation of change process
§ Quality management systems
§ Revenue enhancement systems.

2.3.2 Capacity building for individuals and communities
§ Needs assessment
§ Situation analyses and listening surveys
§ Community mobilization and education
§ Individual, group and community action planning
§ Community development.
§ Planning and organizational management
2.3.4 Human resource management
§ Human resource recruitment
§ Human resource placement
§ Performance monitoring and evaluation
2.3.5 Information and communication management
§ Data base management
§ Ms office management
§ Internet and web management.

2.3.6 Sanitation and water management
§ Water harvesting
§ Disposal system development and management
§ Household hygiene and management
2.3.7 Environmental education and conservation
§ Agro business management
§ Energy conservation
§ Environmental impact assessment
§ Land management systems
2.3.8 Taxation
§ Tax evaluation
§ Tax education
§ Tax collection practices
§ Tender process management
§ Tax base widening
2.3.9 Micro finance management
§ Group organization management
§ Savings and credit management
§ Risk management
§ Asset and liability management
§ Entrepreneurship skills development

3.0 Clientele
Our clients belong to the following:
§ Local, national and international non-governmental organizations
§ Institutions of learning
§ Micro finance institutions
§ Foreign chambers in Uganda
§ Government agencies
§ Local governments
§ Foreign companies planning to put up businesses in Uganda
§ Multi national corporations

4.1 Social Performance Audit Survey
Hofokam Micro Finance Limited,
P. O. Box 228, Fort portal.

4.2 Upland Rice farming Survey, VECO-Uganda, Kampala.

4.3 Development of a Comprehensive Five Year Strategic Work Plan and
Training Curriculum,
Development Initiative and Training Organization, (Dito-Uganda)
P O Box 168, Ibanda.

4.4 Reporturing Services,
HIV/AIDS Programme,
Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau
Balintuma road Kampala.

4.5 Counseling Curriculum Development
Kenya blood transfusion services as co-consultants an on going project


Mr. Omusuguti Tom. M.A. (PPM), PG.Dip.PPM, B.A (Envt.Mgt).

Mr. Mwesigye Abaati. S. M.A (LHR), B.ACE, UDBS.

Mr. Gumisiriza Pius. M.Sc. (Econ.Plan. & Povty.Redn.Mgt), B.A (SS).

Mrs. Nakazzi Agnes. MBA, B.A.

Mr. Asiimwe Godwin. M. Stat, B. Statistics.

Mr. Kirabo Asiimwe Alex. BACE, PG.Cert. (IALP), Cert. (IAIC), Cert. (HIV/AIDS Training).

Mr. Kahangire Godfrey. BACE, PG.Cert. (Research Methods), Cert. (HIV/AIDS Script Writing).

Mr. Mubangizi Fred Canary PG.Dip. (HRM), BACE.

Mrs. Tushabirane Assumpta Cand.PG.Dip. PPM, B.A (SS).

Sunday, April 06, 2008



Inis.L.Claude remains a classic text writer on international organizations and provides excellent historical backgrounds and theoretical rationale to the challenges and general activities of such organizations; it discusses the nature and systems of international organizations in the pessimism optimism approaches in paving way to international peace. Claude confesses that one of his favorite items in that collection is Swords into Plowshares. The Problems and Progress of International Organization. Claude received his M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University. He has taught at Harvard, the University of Delaware, and the University of Michigan along with the University of Virginia. The following is a review of his book “the problems progress of international organisations”

Book over view
Claude in his book he talks about the basic assumptions of international organizations and the nature of international organizations, in this he assesses the historical background of contemporary international organizations, constitutional problems of international organizational organizations, approaches to peace through international organizations and the future of world order. The author explains that the process of international organizations is a significant feature of the dynamic pattern of international relations in the current trend. He stresses that World affairs move in many directions at once, one of the most persistent trends of the last century and particularly of the last generation has been movement towards international relations. The author explains that the creation of multi national institutions has become a standard response of states men and people for purposes of both intensely realistic and highly idealistic to challenging problems and terrible dangers of international life in era of increasing interdependency. In this he stresses that the international present state of international organizations, representing an at­tempt to adapt' the institutions, procedures, and rules of international relationship to the conditions of international interdependence, is far from satisfactory given the inequalities that lie in the phenomenological flow of aspects. How ever, this does not mean that organisations are not in place or functioning but the question remains to what extent have they gone in solving the world’s problems.

Therefore having identified the gap the theoretical approach which has always been neglected in line with political theory stand as guiding yardsticks to the integration of international relations and other development aspects in the world.

Therefore, concisely the problem of building effective international organizations is ultimately the problem of building a world community. He explains that this task involves more than devising foolproof of legal structures mechanical devices; it involves working on the underlying factors which shape international politics-the loyalties, values, prejudices, fears, hopes, and expectations of human beings in the world.

Claude in his book the nature of international organisations in respect to their objectives and purpose they portray dualistic characteristics. From the viewpoint that international organizations are set within the context of the multi state system and accepts the sovereign state as the basic entity for world political life.

In another aspect, his book elaborates that international agencies are no so much interested in solving the recurring problems of poor states but rather to promote the development of more advanced states. Thus, international organization has created strange bedfellows, sup­porters whose conceptions of the actual and proper nature of international agencies are at variance.

International organisations assume that men and governments in the era of multistage systems are bond by inexorable laws in the system. The argument and conclusions of the self-realist’s scholars (Fredrick and shuman) come with divergent views in regard to this aspect where they predict inevitable crash among men divided into states under such system. Therefore, in reject of this doctrinaire determinism theorists of international organisations rebut both the pessimistic conclusion of the power politicians and the apocalyptic visions in world governments. Therefore, he notes that international governments have been built on consciously or not on upon the assumption that nations are not prisoners of destiny but reasonably free agents.

In this aspect, he concludes by saying that certainly there is no guarantee that inter­national organization will be successful. It is easy to exaggerate the prog­ress that has been made; supporters of international organization are often tempted to take too seriously the ostensible gains that exist only on paper the fine words of constitutional documents, the noble sentiments of United Nations resolutions. However, it is equally easy-and perilous-to adopt a pessimism which refuses to recognize the advances that have been made and denies the hypothesis that a meaningful opportunity exists for gradual taming of power, harmonizing of interests, and building of allegiance to the ideal of a world fit for human life.

The development of international organisations is a phenomenon of multistage system, which relate to the existence of objective facts or conditions where the state must be developed into independent states that which function in independent political entities with respective guiding aspects. Another aspect is that states must develop an awareness of the problem, which arise out of their coexistence and on this basis come to recognize the need for the creation of institutional devises and systematic methods for regulating their relationship with each other. Also development of the facts of division and interdependency in the external world. These modems were a yardstick to the birth of the modern international organisations, on a procession of a series of congresses where diplomacy by conference became an established fact of the time in the nineteenth century. These included congress of Vienna (1815), the congress of 1878 and 1884-85 and the Paris (1856), London conference of 1871, and the 1912-13. the quadruple alliance (1815) was as a result of multilateral and high level political conferences where diplomacy and the traditional technique to conduct international affairs was basically a bilateral phenomenon.

The author notes that the conference system did not inaugurate rule of law or enact a state as an overseer instead it was a system of de facto great power harmony. However, the conference system contributed more to the awareness of the problems of international collaboration than to their solutions and more to opening of possibilities to multilateral diplomacy than to realizing them, but produced a prototype of the executive council of great powers and this prompted the Hague system. This system was leading towards universality, though the inclusion of small sates rendered them independence and there was friction that they could not handle the status of being diplomats. This was later followed by a series of conferences meant to solving various problems and wars would erupt from the system. It should be noted that the earlier organisations left their legacy to the modern current ones but the question remains whether the traditional organisations did not pave way to problems than preventing them.

The author stresses that the 19th century facilitated a lot of invention in the era of international organizations development, where we witness the League of Nations, which was initiated by the special committee established by the Paris peace conference in 1919. The League of Nations was to incorporate the legal definition of authority and terms of reference, institutional continuity regularity of sessions and balanced composition of great and small power representatives. It may also be regarded as the rationalization, focalization and consolidation of previous organizational developments. Despite this it saw the trends of world war 1 as the result of various interests of various states in various aspects. Despite the initiation of the league, the retention of the old traditions in the new system was a major weakness, which later significantly contributed to other ambiguities in the process though the considered problems such as wars were regarded as every body’s business and security of nations with common interests was a priority on the agenda. The point therefore is that was intended to introduce radical changes in the operation of multstate systems, rather than accomplish or even replace such a system.

The inclusion of war in the effort to protect some privileges of great powers and small powers led to the success and fall of other countries, in the wake of wars to end wars the role of international organisations with vivid objectives was another point destiny, where their effectiveness would bring to end a valid number of problems. Therefore, past problems from the league were passed on to the united nations for better and efficient solutions. In this aspect, the United Nations was regarded as the revised version of the league and it attempted to correct the mistakes of its predecessor and strengthen the systems with in the organization. However, the United Nations never rectified the previous predicament it simply took them on. In this arena there grew a quandary of hypocrisy, the argue for superiority and kind of rhetorical camouflage in the pursuit of national goals among other aspects that saw the rugged flow of aspects in the arena. As the result of created United Nations, various aspects were born and the world had to accept it the way it was. With different intentions the active, non active, superior and non superior all were waiting for the benefits of what has been created despite their not being sure of whether they would be positive or not but united nations had to thrive and survive.

The author stresses that in the international organisations, in this regard, the former consisted of internal matters related to management and functioning of the organization where as the later consisted of the external aspects that needed solutions. In this aspect, the membership norm was of great controversy since genuine differences concerning the constitutional merit of principles governing membership policy are subtly mixed with competing claims based upon calculations of political advantage.

The author talks about the problem of regionalism where he explains the theory of regionalism and says that the aspect of regionalism is sometimes put forward as globalism a principle substitute of universalism. The theories compounds that emphasis is placed on the size or bigness and heterogeneity of the world wide and the conclusion is drawn that only with in limited segments of the globe can we find the cultural foundation of common loyalties, the objective of similarity of national problems and awareness of potential awareness of common interests which are effective functioning of multinational institutions. Therefore with this approach it’s very hard to solve particular problems of certain members and the would have been members since the world is so vast.

In international organisations, United Nations remains a complex system in supervision purposes of multinational agencies. Therefore, the problem lies in defining relationships, delimiting jurisdiction, allocating functions and distributing powers to solve the global difficulties. In the wake of this, idiomatic perspective a legal document in the perspective of answering various questions was put in place as a charter to help interpret some situations in the organisations operations and gives certain powers to certain organs like the international court of justice as the principle judicial organ of the united nations. In regard of all its activities, the stretching of the charter through undisciplined political interpretation is a poor way to increase the psychological readiness of states to make significant decisions to international agencies.

The author talks about the problem of international secretariat where by the quagmire lies in the fact that the gap lies in adequate secretariat and in developing potentialities of unique institutional which are among the basic constitutional issues that govern international organisations. There are many weaknesses that lie in patterns of administrative structures and structures and procedure in international field or public service. Also bureaucratic efficiency remains another challenge in the administrative system of the system as the result of its size and its diverse human resource pause a threat to efficiency and also geographical distribution of posts where Europeans predominantly occupy most of the significant positions at the secretariat. Equitable geographical distribution of recruits remain another challenge in this aspect both top officials and junior officials. Another challenge in the international organisations of the time remains administrative efficiency, which is complicated by the quantitative administrative functions, which the secretariat must be equipped to perform. Another problem the United Nations hold is the bulk of printed work among others.

The author stresses that truthfully, with the presence of the United Nations the world states should not be at war with each other, there fore strategies to prevention of wars must be dwelled on the causes of war with an assumption that war can be prevented using the approach of pacific settlement of disputes. In some aspects war has been seen as away of settling disputes as quoted by Cicero who says that “since there are two methods of settling differences the one by argument and the other by force and since the former is a characteristic of men, the latter of beasts we should have recourse to second only when it is not permitted to use the first”. In analysis of his perspective he portrays the fact that war is inevitable but there should be efforts to prevent it since its very costly, destructive and source of misery. Therefore the pacific approach has always come in with various modes to solve conflicts between countries.

Collective security has always been used in international organizations to settle disputes among countries. To the scholars analysis the hope of international organizations to establish a collective security system has a been a key issue. How ever collective security is not a means to peace so as pacific settlement but aspects that competes in portraying the best aspects of time. In this aspect the scholar he states the theory of collective security and asserts that collective security depends less heavily than pacific settlement upon the precise accuracy of a set of assumptions about the nature and causes of war, the theory also assumes that not all wars have the same causes. Therefore in applicability of collective security in all perspectives wars aught to be prevented irrespective of the intentions of the agitators of such wars and this aspect bodies like United Nations Security Council, the miscalled collective security NATO instead a portray of selective security meant to protect the interest of the selected un like the collective security meant for all. However the idea of collective security has been largely ravaged by theoretical applicability than practical deeds in the wake of global problems and has been in a way manipulated to suit interests of certain criterion of aspects.

In the wake of international organizations quest for peace the modern world has adopted the terminology of disarmament in regard to control, limitation and reduction of human and material instrumentalities of warfare as well as their literal abolition. For explicit purposes the author elaborates the disarmament theory, where by the disarmament appears as an appealing direct and simple means to peace. Where the pacific settlement process to leave states with nothing to fight about and collective security proposes to confront aggressors with too much to fight against disarmament proposes to deprive nations of anything to fight with. The theory purports to eliminate war in the most straightforward way conceivable by eliminating the means by which it is possible to wage war. The theory concedes on the causes of the war and dwells on political subordination to the aspect, though the trivial remains in the phenomenon that it confuses germs, and symptoms causes and effects, means and ends. Misunderstandings and political mischievousness lie in the aspect in the bid to protect various interests of certain situations. With the policies guidelines put in place by the United Nations organizations despite the loopholes the agenda holds significant values to world peace stabilization.

Another mode of ensuring peace by the international organizations reflect preventive diplomacy, though seemingly anew innovation but it’s a reflection of collective security, peaceful settlement and disarmament protocols. Preventive diplomacy a peace initiative as born to hammarskjold in relation to how the united nations can be made directly relevant to the crucial struggle between the east and west. In his explanation of this context he explains in relation to United Nations interventions in an area of conflict outside of, or marginal to, the sphere dominated by cold war struggles designed to forestall the competitive intrusion of rival power blocs into that area. In his analysis he looks at power struggles among nations and the applicability diplomacy to minimize the risk he sites the Lebanese crisis of 1958 which led t the creation of the united nations observation group in Lebanon (UNOGIL), the middle eastern and Congo crisises of 1956 and 1960 and the later cases were the most inspiring to the initiation of concept. The establishment of the United Nations therefore was to pave way or plan for dealing with international dangerous disputes, modify forms of pacific settlement techniques and forge way to suit in to situation of conflict areas.

In the effort to promote peace world over the international organization, the grand debate approach remain another aspect of concern and remains appoint of linkage to pacific settlement, collective security disarmament and preventive diplomacy. Therefore the utility of international speech making is very hard to evaluate with confidence. Decisions are through debates with in league of assembly or general assembly where basic principles and policies are tabled. In this phenomenon the grand debate, the situation has yielded prohibition of aggressive warfare, avoidance of forcible intervention except under extreme provocation, respect for a minimum standard of human rights, recognition of the legitimacy of aspiration for self and economic development. Despite the reinstatements, the gaps remain in the fact that decisions taken take written form than the practical form. There fore international organizations in fostering collective bargain for peace of the world remain a core aspect, though this does not place the grand debate as a panacea. Therefore debate alone will not eliminate disorder, but human experience suggests that the kind of order for which descent men yearn cannot be established and maintained except by means, which involve the process of deliberation.

Another approach to peace by the international organizations is the trusteeship way as an all-inclusive symbol of movement to utilize them as an instrument for modification, transformation or elimination of colonization. This aspect is guided by the trusteeship theory, which bases on the assumption that colonization is one of the responsible factors to war in the modern world, hence trusteeship is justified in terms of the general war prevention among international organizations. The norm however is deeply rooted in the European culture where by the establishment of the mandate system by the league of actions marked the beginning of effective systematic intrusion into the workings of colonialism with it empiric systems. However in the United Nations, the trusteeship concept was projected was somewhat a reproduction of mandate system as the systems almost operated in the same manner.

Another approach to peace was the functional mode, which assumes that international organization is that part of the mass organized international activities which relate directly to economic, social, technical and humanitarian matters that may be tentatively described as non political, and the approach is elaborated by the functionalism theory. This theory is essentially an assertion and defense of preposition that the development economic and social corporation is a major prerequisite of ultimate solution of political conflicts and elimination of war. The functional theory therefore rests upon a very complex of the nature and causes of war and suggests ways and modes of maintenance of peace.

The quest world peace in the international organizations systems, paves way to world of governments and world order, whereby the unified world free from anarchy is an imagination of poetic analogical expression given the interests and ambitions of players in the system. Since the world war II, the concept of one world in the arena of international organizational development realized on paper, rare in practicality and dominance in various aspects taking lead of the situation. In this, strict theory offers a distinctive approach to the central problem of peace and security and recognizes war as a natural, and unavoidable phenomenon of the mult-state system, therefore the modern man does not call for perpetual removal of the system but rather proposes to recognize its inherent defectiveness and taking steps to dismantle architectural trends of the current globe. On analyzing the various approaches of peace, international organizations work with states systems in bid to remove anarchy in the world. In this, there is a strong tendency of assumption among proponents that world federalism is possible because it’s believed to be necessary. Therefore world federalism suffers from the social contract theory where nations transform anarchy into social order. In all these assessments in the wake of a multitude of approaches in the operations of international governments systems, the rejection of the aspect that a world government is a theoretical idea, neither is it a practically attainable approach to attainance of world peace.

World federalists and champions of international organizations are aware that the world needs approaches of techniques as well as institutions capable of paving to world peace and resources that are to keep the world at a pace. The world requires governments that have efficient and effective systems capable of performing in dependent and independent states. In this analysis therefore the instrumentalities appropriate to the solutions of the world’s problems does not lie in structures that look like governments, or act like governments, sound like governments. The progress of international organizations have been of great importance in search planning and instituting world peace. The creation of institutional innovations as the general international organizations, the international secretariat, the international conference of parliamentary type, the institutional field commission for investigation and supervision, the preventive diplomacy force, the international technical mission, the multi national defense systems of the NATO type among others signifies the importance of international organization in the assurance and maintenance of world peace among others. The prospect of international organizations therefore, lies in the fact that the tough reality of national divisions of world society that seeks solutions to world problems through various significant approaches.

In this book the writer is keen enough to note key aspects of international organizations to pave way for world peace through various approaches and systems. Reviewing the history and origin of international organizations and their new trends gives one an insight that world peace is not aspect to attain at an equal pace but and a road to creation of the subordinates and insubordinates parties in the system.


Traditional gender roles and stereotypes continue to have a strong influence on the division of labour between men and women at home, in the workplace and in society at large despite the role education has played in minimizing the challenge, and tend to continue a vicious circle of obstacles for achieving gender equality. Although the role of the social partners is not to interfere with private life, social partners do have a role to play in addressing gender roles and stereotypes in employment and in the workplace. In the past three decades, as the result of education women’s employment rates have increased significantly and faster than men's, but not equally in all sectors and occupations. Women tend to be overrepresented in specific areas of activity related to traditional gender roles such as care, education, cleaning, retail etc., and to be underrepresented at higher levels of occupation.

In this education has helped breaking down cultural barriers to ensure that women and men follow a more diverse range of careers and to encourage their participation across the labour market is a complex task given the numerous socio-economic factors to be taken into consideration. It is nevertheless crucial to desegregate labour markets in order to achieve occupational gender equality.

Stake holders have therefore in other aspects helped in Promoting non-gender biased education in schools, universities as well as efficient and non stereotyped careers advice services, for students and those already at work, to enable individuals to make better informed education and career choices. Encouraging pupils, students and parents to consider all the available career options for girls and boys at an early stage. Examples of practical tools to do so include: Organising open days in companies for girls in order to show that pre-conceived ideas about women’s compared with men’s jobs are not justified in practice and inform them about career options they may not have considered otherwise; Encouraging parents to promote companies as a place for their daughters to pursue careers; Cooperation programmes with public and/or education authorities to raise awareness on labour markets needs; Participation in career fairs. Making a special effort to attract girls and young women into technical and scientific professions which can also help address skills and labour shortages hampering economic growth

More women have acquired education in the last decade especially in developing countries, and this has facilitated them to fall in decision-making positions in all spheres of society, which is growing, notably as a result of increased participation of women in the labour market and their success in higher education. However, globally only 30 % of managers are women, only 10 % of members of boards of directors are women, and only 3 % of CEO’s or equivalent positions are taken by women3. Social partners have a clear responsibility to ensure that the overall working environment supports a more balanced participation of women and men in decision-making.


Budgeting techniques
A budget is a formal written statement of management’s plans for a specified period of time, expressed in financial terms. It charts the course for future action. Budgeting embraces both accounting and management functions. It is a management function because it is a plan, which will be used to assist in managing the operation. Budgeting requires management to plan for decision making, establishing objectives, and setting priorities. Budgeting is also an accounting function because the plans are translated into financial terms. Probably no other instrument contributes more directly to effective management than a budget.

However, budget preparation requires substantial time and effort on the part of the school personnel involved in the process. Because of the time involvement, it is important for the school foodservice administrator to understand the managerial uses of the budget as well as the specific procedures and techniques for the successful preparation of a budget. To develop a workable and accurate budget, the school foodservice administrator must understand (a) the benefits of preparing a budget, (b) the factors that influence budgeting, (c) the methods of budgeting, (d) the budgeting process, and (e) how to analyze and adjust the budget.

Incremental budgeting is a traditional method, widely used in commercial organizations and in the public sector. Incremental budgeting means basing the budget for a department or function on that of the previous period, usually adjusting for inflation by a percentage increase. Specific changes, such as a planned expansion or reduction in activities, would also be allowed for. In some cases the previous year’s actual costs may be used as a starting point, rather than the budget, particularly if the actual costs were lower.

Incremental budgeting technique takes advantage that the budget is stable and change is gradual and planned managers can operate their departments on a consistent basis, also the system is relatively simple to operate and easy to understand and most importantly coordination between budgets is easier to achieve, the impact of change can be seen quickly.

On the other hand however incremental budgeting assumes that activities and methods of working will continue in the same way giving no incentive for developing new ideas and there is no incentive to try to reduce costs on the contrary, spending up to the budget is encouraged by this method, so that next year the level of budget is maintained and the budgets may become out of date, and no longer relate to the level of activity or the type of work being carried out. To this, the priority for resources may have changed since the budgets were set originally, there may be ‘budgetary slack’ built in to the budgets, which is never reviewed, this means that managers have overestimated their requirements in the past, in order to obtain a budget which is easier to work to, and which will allow them to achieve favourable results budgeting would continue to budget at the same level, increased for inflation, for hospitality and catering relating to meetings, visitors and so on. This would encourage staff to spend up to the budget, even if the number and timing of meetings or visits changed. There would be no incentive to review catering provision or to look for more cost-effective ways of providing suitable hospitality.

Because of these problems, which can occur in a similar way throughout an organization, the incremental approach may not lead to the best use of its resources. A department which has had a large share of the total funds available over a number of years may no longer be as important to the organization, whereas newer departments which are gradually increasing in importance will need a greater share.

Zero base budgeting is a method, which was developed in the 1970s with a view to eliminating some of the problems of incremental budgeting. It takes the opposite view: instead of assuming everything will continue as before, the focus is on achieving the organization’s objectives in the most efficient way. Zero Base Budgeting means that the budget for each budget center starts from a base of zero for each period. Budgets for proposed activities are then put forward, assessed and prioritized (in relation to the organization’s objectives) and allocated funds in order of priority. Therefore the functions of the organization are analyzed to identify the structure of departments to be used as budget centers, the work of each department (budget centre) is then analyzed to identify the activities actually carried out, starting from a base of zero, budgets are prepared in each budget center, showing the costs and benefits of the work of the department; these budgets show the expected results at several different levels of activity and are called ‘decision packages’, the decision packages must then be judged by managers and put in order according to how efficiently they contribute towards the organization’s objectives, the total funds available are allocated to decision packages in order of priority, thus deciding which activities are to be carried out and at what level if a particular activity is obsolete or contributing nothing, it will receive no funds and will be discontinued.

Therefore the technique carry the advantages that; this system focuses the use of resources on achieving the organization’s objectives also budget center managers have to re evaluate in detail the cost effectiveness of the working methods and results achieved in their departments, new projects are compared with existing work, so that innovation is encouraged, rather than assuming existing activities must continue, allocation of resources is linked to the achievement of results, wastage and budgetary slack should be eliminated, because budgets which are not cost-effective will not be given funds, planning and budgeting is combined into a single process when the decision packages to be funded are chosen.

Despite these accreditations of zero base budgeting is also criticized, since the process itself is very complex and therefore costly to operate, by separating different activities, links between them may not be allowed for, leading to an uncoordinated approach, short-term benefits may be emphasized in the decision packages, to the detriment of long-term planning, the process of judging and prioritizing the decision packages may be extremely difficult and it may be affected by the internal politics of the organization, so that it is not really objective Zero base budgeting can only be applied where different levels of a particular type of work are possible and where the costs and benefits can be identified.

Therefore it is more likely to be appropriate for service departments or service organizations and for non-profit-making organizations than for direct cost budgets in manufacturing. Direct cost budgets are more dependent on forecasts of demand for products and can be justified on that basis. Priorities may change, however, between service departments, making a review starting from a base of zero a useful tool. For example, maintenance of machinery will need a greater share of funds when an organization is highly automated, and if there is a corresponding reduction in the workforce, it will reduce the necessity for a large personnel department.

Zero base budgeting can be applied to ‘discretionary’ costs, where the level of expenditure and the methods to be used can be decided by managers. For example in the case of training costs, decisions can be made between ‘packages’ detailing the costs and benefits of in-house training, computer-based training, day release and block release, at different levels. Also in another aspect of advertising, decisions can be made between ‘packages’ detailing the expected benefits from different levels of expenditure, using various methods of advertising, particularly where new opportunities such as websites become available and older methods may become less effective. More still with credit control, decisions can be made between ‘packages’ detailing the costs of different levels of activity increasing the activity would mean more frequent checks and chasing of debtors and hence better control for each control level, the financial benefits in terms of reducing finance costs and avoiding bad debts would be estimated and compared with the cost.

Programme based budgeting is a technique which is applicable to non-profit making organizations. Programme based budgeting means breaking down the work of the organization into ‘programmes’ designed towards achieving its various objectives. Several departments within the organization may contribute towards a single programme. The total funds available are shared between the programmes, rather than being split into budgets for departments.

It is usually the case that insufficient funds are available to achieve all the desired objectives, and decisions have to be made as to which programmes are to be carried out and what level of work can be supported. The choice of programmes should ensure that cost-effective methods are used, to achieve as much as possible (in terms of the organization’s objectives) with the total funds available.

For example a local authority in a local government may decide to allocate funds to a programme designed to improve services to elderly people. This may include work from the housing department on security and insulation, an allocation of funding towards increased transport subsidies, input from the social services department to improve day care, and so on. It would be necessary to prepare a budget for the programme as a whole, broken down into budgets for costs of each aspect of the programme. Also a charity may have money donated to help alleviate famine in a particular area. Decisions may be made between immediate relief programmes and longer-term programmes to provide clean water, support for agriculture and education.

The internal rate of return (IRR) and the net present value (NPV) have long been the accepted capital budgeting measures preferred by corporate management and financial theorists, respectively. While corporate management prefers the relevancy of a yield-based capital budgeting method, such as the IRR, financial theorists, based on orthodox economic theory, endorse the NPV method. The debate between NPV and IRR methods dates from the inception of modern interest theory. The IRR was first proposed by Boehm-Bawerk’s Positive Theorie des Kapitals and later supported by Keynes (Keynes, J.M, 1936). However, both methods suffer from inconsistencies when ranking potential investment projects based on the Fisherian assumption of wealth maximization. This study develops a capital budgeting method, the Rate of Return on Invested Assets (RRIA), that corrects the inconsistencies of both the IRR and NPV, is based on the assumption of wealth maximization, therefore pedagogically sound, and appeals to the relevancy of a yield-based capital budgeting method valued by corporate management.

When setting budgets it is essential to take into account how costs behave in relation to the amount of work, which is to be carried out. It is impossible to prepare a realistic budget for a particular amount of work unless it is known whether, for example, costs remain fixed, increase steadily or go up in steps as the amount of work increases. The measurement of an amount of work is usually referred to as the ‘level of activity’ and it must be measured in appropriate cost units for the type of work involved. In manufacturing, numbers of units produced can be used as a measure of level of activity. In other types of organization, the cost units used must relate to the work being done, for example miles traveled in a transport business, or occupied roomdays in a hotel.

Fixed and flexed budgets
When the level of activity changes, it is expected that the total of all costs (and the total income) will change. Information about how each type of cost behaves will enable budgets to be adjusted for different levels of activity. A budget for one specific level of activity is referred to as ‘fixed’. A budget adjusted for a change in level of activity is called a ‘flexed’ or ‘flexible’ budget. If actual results are to be compared with budgets for the purposes of performance measurement, such adjustments would be necessary to ensure that the comparison is of ‘like with like’.
Institutions apply activity based budgeting means that budgets are prepared using the principles of Activity Based Costing. It involves identifying activities, which are being carried out in the organization, and, for each activity, the cost driver. If Activity Based Budgeting is to be used, decisions need to be made, as part of the planning process, as to the amount of each activity that will be required, and the funds to be allocated to it.

The analysis of cost behaviour here is just as important as in marginal and absorption costing. In Activity Based Budgeting and Costing, the behaviour of costs is defined in terms of the cost drivers, because these are the factors, which cause costs to change.


In blood donation an efficient national blood programme is an essential component of an effective health system. The critical requirement is access to safe and clinically effective blood and blood products for all patients requiring transfusion and their safe and appropriate use. Blood safety depends on the recruitment and retention of blood donors who are at low risk of transmitting infection, safe blood collection procedures, correct testing for transfusion-transmissible infections, blood grouping and compatibility testing and the appropriate use and safe administration of blood.

Apart from HIV infection, other diseases can also be transmitted through transfusions of blood or blood products. These include two other viral infections hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV); syphilis; malaria, which is endemic in many tropical areas. While 80% of the world’s population lives in developing countries, people in developing countries are supported by only 20% of the worlds blood supply. In developing countries, most transfusions are given to: women, to treat haemorrhage as a complication of pregnancy; children with severe anaemia; and serious trauma victims. Each year, up to 4 million blood donations worldwide are not tested for HIV or HBV, very few donations are tested for HCV.

While in developed countries, whole blood donations are mainly from voluntary unpaid donors, in developing countries 80% of the donated blood comes from paid or replacement donors, who in general are more likely to carry transfusion transmissible infections (TTIs). As a result, the risk of disease from blood transfusions is much higher in developing countries.

Whole blood and blood products
Whole blood can be separated into blood products, which consist of plasma and cellular components (red cells, white cells and platelets). Plasma contains water, electrolytes, proteins and clotting (coagulation) factors. The latter being valuable for certain medical conditions such as haemophilia. Plasma needs to be frozen within 6.8 hours of the collection of whole blood and maintained, frozen solid, at a temperature of .20 oC or colder.

Whole blood and packed red cells must always be stored at a temperature of between +2 oC and +8 oC. If special anticoagulants are used, blood stored at this temperature can be kept for up to 35 days. Platelets must be kept at 20 oC to 2 oC, and stored no longer than 5 days. Plasma derivatives may be shared internationally, while whole blood and red cells, with a short shelf-life, are usually used nationally.

Screening of blood
The process of testing blood for transfusion-transmissible agents is known as screening Implicit in the practice of screening blood for infectious agents is the concept of good laboratory practice., to ensure correct blood grouping, compatibility of donor and recipient, and all processes leading to the provision of safe and effective blood and blood products.

In the case of HIV, several types of tests based on different technologies exist to detect HIV antibodies. Detailed information on the types of HIV tests and testing strategies is available in the UNAIDS Technical Update on HIV Testing Methods.

In general, ELISAs are more suitable for blood banks processing daily a large number of blood units, while simple and/or rapid tests are more appropriate for smaller blood banks with a limited number of donations each day. Several simple/rapid tests perform just as well as ELISAs and are also highly appropriate for use in emergency situations.

In blood donation to ensure safe blood the test selected for screening donated blood units should preferably be a combined HIV-1/HIV-2 test, which is highly sensitive. A test with a high sensitivity will not produce or will only rarely produce false-negative results, which is important for safeguarding the blood supply. HIV infection is most frequently diagnosed by detecting antibodies which the body produces as it tries to resist the virus. These antibodies usually begin to be produced within 3 to 8 weeks after the time of infection. The period following infection but before the antibodies become detectable is known as the window period. If a person donates blood during this window period, the usual antibody test may give a false-negative result even though the person is infected. Increasingly sensitive anti-HIV tests have shortened the window period to 21 days.

Tests also exist that detect the virus itself rather than antibodies to it; these are called HIV p24 antigen tests. With a test of this kind it is sometimes possible to detect HIV p24 antigen during the window period, if by coincidence the blood donor happens to be tested during the short peak of high levels of circulating virus particles.
Although in theory the HIV antigen test can shorten the window period by an additional
6 days, its use is of limited value and there still remains a window of one to two weeks. (See Bush & Alter, 1995 in the Key Materials.)

Several studies have shown that for minimizing the TTI risk, careful selection of donors is more efficient than HIV antigen testing. In addition, a wellfunctioning quality assurance programme will reduce the possibility of false-negative results resulting from technical errors. In most settings, HIV p24 antigen testing of the blood supply is not cost-effective and is not recommended by WHO.
Donated blood should be tested not only for HIV but also for syphilis, hepatitis B surface antigen, and if funds permit, hepatitis C antibodies. According to their geographic prevalence, screening for Chagas disease, HTLV-I/II and other TTIs may also need to be carried out. Some industrialized countries have suggested ending screening for syphilis because its prevalence in their donor populations is very low and because the agent does not survive if the blood is stored at between +4 oC and +8 oC for at least 72 hours. However, in many countries, blood is stored for only a short time before being transfused. In some of these countries the prevalence of syphilis in blood donors is high. Although syphilis is not a marker for HIV infection, it does indicate donors who have not deferred themselves, yet who are at risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. Thus the syphilis test serves as a marker of donor suitability.

Units of donated blood yielding reactive or indeterminate test results must be considered as probably infected and must be discarded according to universal safety instructions. If a blood donor is to be notified of a test result, reactive screening results must be confirmed.

Create a national blood transfusion service
Kenya has a national blood transfusion services, which means that the service makes all transfusion centers and blood banks part of a national network, accountable to the government or to a government appointed nonprofit organization. Such a service has been developed within the framework of the country’s health care infrastructure. Kenya national blood transfusion service has a national policy and plan for the NBTS, with the proper legislative and regulatory control and an adequate financial budget. For better service delivery the NBTS should be recognized as a clearly identified unit of the health care system (separate from general laboratory systems) and have its own budget and trained staff.

Important steps in setting up a NBTS include the following: obtain formal government commitment and support; develop a national blood policy and plan; identify an appropriate organization for the NBTS; appoint an executive committee and a chief medical officer for the NBTS, as well as where necessary an advisory committee of medical specialists; select and train staff with organizational, management, medical and technical skills; draw up a budget, and develop an appropriate financing system to make the blood programme sustainable; develop and implement a quality management system; develop and implement monitoring and evaluation systems for the service. The NBTS can be financed either through an annual government allocation or through a cost recovery fee. The cost-recovery fee is a charge for services to supply blood. It is paid by hospitals and other institutions using blood, and agreed upon in annual negotiations involving the government, hospital administrators and the blood transfusion service. The charge is intended to cover capital and recurrent cost items such as buildings, salaries and test kits. The blood or blood product itself should always ideally be free for those receiving transfusions, or else paid for through government allocations or a health insurance scheme.

Health workers must know that, good donor selection is an important part of the process of collecting safe blood. When donors present themselves at blood donation centres they need to be interviewed by trained staff, so that those who appear to have a high risk of being infected, or appear to be paid donors, are excluded. Potential donors whose poor health or nutritional status makes them unsuitable should also be excluded, for the sake of their own health as well as the health of the recipients.

In order to have safe blood, blood donors must be educated and counseled about the importance and responsibility of being a blood donor, such donors can make correct and informed decisions to donate, to self-exclude, or to self-defer. Self-exclusion means excluding themselves if they know or think that their blood may be unsafe as a result of risk behaviour, or because of the state of their own health. Self-deferral is postponing blood donation if there are temporary reasons for doing so. Some donors may be unwilling to self-exclude or self-defer even if they know that their blood may be unsafe. There may be peer group pressure on them to give blood, and they may not want others to know why they are unwilling to give blood. For this reason, it is important to give all donors an opportunity to tell counseling staff in the strictest confidence about their concerns.

In cases where the donor staff feels that a donor is unsuitable, they must have a mechanism to remove and dispose off the unit of blood after donation. This is called confidential unit exclusion (CUE). Educating the public, motivating and recruiting them, and retaining them, as donors who give blood regularly are all necessary. The ability to do these effectively depends on a well-staffed and well-funded blood donor recruitment unit, trained in dealing with mass media and in communication skills. Among other things, a blood donor recruitment team should do the following: write and produce educational materials for blood donors; plan and carry out educational campaigns in workplaces, schools and colleges to motivate, recruit and retain donors; set up a blood donor registry system; work out procedures for donor selection and deferral, as well as for donor notification; design mechanisms to retain donors (such as donor clubs); prepare guidelines and standard operating procedures, including procedures to ensure strict confidentiality for donors; train staff in counseling, techniques and the ability to select donors; set up links with other health facilities to refer donors, where necessary.

It is important that blood transfusion services move as rapidly as possible towards screening all blood. The tests should include at least HIV, HBV and syphilis and other TTIs as determined according to the prevalence and epidemiological risk. National guidelines should be developed and implemented for screening all blood donations using the most appropriate and effective testing strategies for each type of infection (see UNAIDS Technical Update, HIV Testing Methods). Items to be considered here include: the development of standard operating procedures and guidelines for screening, testing strategies, and a quality assurance programme; training of NBTS technical staff; the purchase, supply, storage and distribution of reagents and other materials used in testing, so as to ensure continuous testing.

Reduce unnecessary blood transfusions
It is important to minimize the number of inappropriate blood transfusions so as to reduce the risk of TTIs as well as other possible adverse reactions from transfusions. The following activities should be considered: developing a national standard operating procedure and national guidelines or indicators for giving transfusions; training people who prescribe blood to avoid unnecessary or inappropriate transfusions; ensuring accessibility and availability of blood substitutes for volume replacement, such as crystalloids and colloids, for use where appropriate; these will not transmit infections and can be obtained at a fraction of the cost of whole blood. Preventing the causes that lead to individuals requiring blood transfusions will not only save unnecessary transfusions and reduce transmission of TTIs, but will improve health in the long term, blood transfusions often given for chronic anemia are unnecessary if the underlying condition is treated and the patient given corrective therapy. Preventing diseases such as malaria and worm infestations, and raising health standards generally, are important measures to reduce unnecessary transfusions. Similarly, proper care for women before, during and after delivery, will greatly reduce blood loss and in turn reduce the need for transfusions.

The major focus of HIV prevention and control has been to promote the acceptance of risk-reducing behaviours, through prevention, counseling and testing, and to facilitate linkage to medical, prevention and other supports services. Testing has played a major role in reducing the transmission of HIV. Antibody testing to diagnose HIV was introduced in 1985. At that time, most available technologies employed a methodologic paradigm that made use of central facilities equipped with highly-trained technologists performing tests in batches. Such an approach allowed facilities to develop effective quality control techniques to ensure the reliable performance of tests, but also led to infrequent testing and long turn-around times.

The standard laboratory HIV testing protocol, which evolved in the 1990s, involved obtaining a blood specimen from the client and sending it to a licensed laboratory for testing. Most often, the central laboratory would perform an enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA), in order to ensure that a reactive result was due to HIV exposure. A second, more specific assay, the Western blot, was widely used to confirm results. The patient would then need to return for a second visit to receive test results. Unfortunately, many patients would not return for their test results. The lag time between obtaining a specimen and providing results is a time of high anxiety and significant stress for many of these patients. While the time to perform an HIV antibody test is typically a few hours, the time required by the testing paradigm was typically two days to two weeks. Such long delays and the accompanying anxiety clearly contributed to the near 30% of patients who failed to return to counseling centres for their results.

The early and rapid diagnosis of HIV began to assume particular importance as effective combination antiretroviral therapy became available. Combination therapy contributes to reducing the risk of vertical and occupational HIV transmission while improving the quality of life and the longevity of people infected with HIV. A significant reduction in the lag time between risk exposure and the availability of testing results required the evolution of a new approach to HIV testing – the rapid HIV test. These tests are widely available internationally, including four that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Due to the fact that rapid, point-of-care testing offers the advantage that people do not need to return to obtain their test results, more people know their HIV status and if infected can be referred for treatment, prevention programs and social services more rapidly. People who know they are infected with HIV are more likely to practise risk-reduction, especially if a brief behavioural intervention is conducted at the patient visit on a donation day. Rapid testing offers the advantage of providing test results at the time of the behavioural intervention. Rapid diagnostic HIV testing has several clinical applications. This paper describes rapid testing and its role in reducing vertical HIV transmission for women who present in labour with unknown HIV status; reducing the risk of occupational transmission of HIV; and assisting in the diagnosis and counseling of patients with HIV. Rapid testing plays a crucial role in time-sensitive decisions regarding the need for prophylaxis to reduce transmission in cases of occupational exposures and women presenting in labour with unknown HIV status.6

R a p i d D i a g n o s t i c H I V T e s t s
Rapid tests to detect the HIV antibody are designed to allow healthcare providers to supply definitive negative and preliminary positive results in minutes at the time of an initial patient visit. In comparison, traditional enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) operate with a paradigm that requires specimen transmittal to a laboratory, the creation of batches of specimens for efficient, cost-effective processing, the use of expensive semi-automated or automated equipment and the presence of significant operator expertise to perform properly and reliably. These requirements often delay results from reaching the patient for as much as one to two weeks.7 Rapid HIV tests are comparable in sensitivity and specificity with traditional EIAs, but can be performed by testing personnel with limited technical expertise in as little as 10 minutes.

A number of HIV tests are being used throughout the world. In the US, four rapid tests have been approved by the FDA for commercial use: the Single Use Diagnostic System for HIV-1(SUDS, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL –no longer marketed); OraQuick HIV-1 and the Oraquick Advance HIV-1/HIV-2 (Orasure Technologies, Bethlehem, PA); Reveal™ (MedMira Laboratories, Halifax, Nova Scotia); and Unigold Recombigen (Trinity Biotech plc. Wicklow, Ireland). Additional rapid tests are under consideration by the FDA. Many candidate rapid tests use a variety of specimen samples including serum, whole blood, plasma and/or oral mucosal transudate (OMT). Using whole blood, the four FDA-approved rapid tests have sensitivities ranging from 95.3% to 100% and specificities ranging from 96.7% to 100%. Performance results of six rapid tests – commercial tests using plasma as the test specimen demonstrate sensitivities ranging from 96.7% to 100% and specificities ranging from 98.5% to 100%.

The sensitivity and specificity of most rapid assays are comparable to those of non-rapid EIAs. In lowprevalence settings, the predictive value of a single rapid negative test result is very high. A negative rapid test does not, therefore, require further testing and negative results with result-specific counseling can be provided to most people at the time of their initial visit. Due to the fact that the positive predictive value varies with prevalence of HIV infection in the population tested, however, the positive predictive value will be low in populations with low prevalence.8 This phenomenon has led to a testing strategy requiring a reactive EIA or rapid test to be confirmed by a second, independent supplemental test.9 In studies conducted outside the US, specific combinations of two or more different rapid HIV assays have provided results as reliable as those from the EIA/Western blot combination, which is currently in widespread use.10 In the US, current recommendations require confirmatory testing to be conducted utilising a Western blot or an immunofluorescence assay (IFA).11

The ‘window’ of HIV diagnosis is dependent upon the diagnostic approach utilised to detect its presence. Following exposure, entry of the HIV virus into the bloodstream typically occurs between three and seven days later with detectable HIV-1 ribonucleic acid (RNA) being demonstrated between seven and 14 days later. A detectable p24 antigen may be present between 12 and 19 days, but antibody seroconversion and detection occurs between 30 and 60 days postexposure. The onset of symptoms typically occurs three to four weeks post-exposure and most patients are symptomatic with a flu-like illness at the time of antibody seroconversion.

The ease of performing some rapid tests led their manufacturers to seek and be granted waived test status under the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). CLIA waived status allows testing facilities to offer HIV testing with less restrictive regulatory requirements. In order to ensure a highquality testing environment, however, the FDA has limited the test to registered laboratories and requires that the facility institute a quality assurance program. Guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend participation in a proficiency-testing program.7

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s f o r R a p i d T e s t i n g o f Women in Labour
Prevention of vertical HIV transmission has been an important success story in the HIV pandemic. The risk of transmission has been reduced from approximately 25% to less than 2% by using currently recommended obstetrical interventions and pre-natal combination anti-retroviral therapy in women aware of their HIV infection early in pregnancy.6 Different state and local regulations specify policies and procedures related to HIV counseling and the testing of pregnant women.

Ideally, all pregnant women should be offered HIV testing during an initial pre-natal visit, to allow for timely initiation of treatment to reduce the chance of vertical transmission. A particular area of concern, however, is women who present in labour with unknown HIV status (HIV test results not documented on medical records). These women may not have been offered or opted for HIV counseling and testing during pregnancy or may not have received pre-natal care. Clinical trial data have shown that anti-retroviral medications, even when administration began during labour and delivery and continued in the neonatal period, can reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission by up to 50%.12–14

When women present in labour with unknown HIV status, the key to maximal peri-natal HIV risk reduction is rapid testing and initiation of short course therapy. The CDC-sponsored Mother–Infant Rapid Intervention at Delivery (MIRIAD) study showed that offering voluntary HIV testing during labour is feasible in obstetrical settings. In addition, point-of-care testing has been shown to provide results faster than sending specimens to the hospital laboratory for rapid HIV testing.15 The CDC recommends rapid HIV testing for women in labour whose HIV status is unknown. Women in labour who have a preliminary positive rapid test should be offered short-course therapy. One recommendation describes four options for short course therapy.12 Both the woman and the child should be referred for follow-up, preferably by providers with experience and expertise in treating HIV.

I n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f R a p i d T e s t R e s u l t s
Interpretation of rapid tests is the same as other HIV screening tests. A negative result from a single test is interpreted as being negative although, as with other HIV screening tests, if a person may have been exposed to HIV within three months of the test, a repeat test at a later time is recommended. A positive (or reactive) result is considered to be a preliminary positive test result. This must be confirmed using a Western blot or an IFA. This confirmatory testing should be done as soon as possible. If the rapid test is a preliminary positive and the confirmatory test is negative (discrepant results), both the rapid test and the confirmatory test should be repeated. A consultation with an infectious disease specialist is recommended. If the rapid test does not provide a valid test result, it is likely that the test kit did not work properly – in this case, the rapid test should be repeated.

C o u n s e l l i n g P a t i e n t s w i t h a N e g a t i v e R a p i d T e s t
Patients whose rapid HIV test result is negative can be told that they are not infected, unless they have had a recent (within three months) known, or possible, exposure to HIV. Retesting should be recommended for these patients, because sufficient time needs to elapse in order for the development of the antibodies (which are detected by the test) to progess.16,21

Confirmatory testing is always required to confirm a reactive rapid test result. The challenge is providing reactive (preliminary positive) results to patients without the benefit of a same-day confirmatory test. For all patients with a reactive rapid HIV test result, however, it is essential to: explain that this is a preliminary test and results need to be confirmed; emphasise the importance of confirmatory testing and schedule a return visit for the confirmatory test results; and underscore the importance of taking precautions to avoid the possibility of transmitting infection to others while awaiting results of confirmatory testing.21
C o n c l u s i o n
Rapid diagnostic HIV testing will improve the proportion of patients who receive their test results, help with clinical decision-making regarding the use of short course anti-retroviral therapy to reduce the risk of vertical HIV transmission for women who present in labour with unknown HIV status, and help determine the need for PEP for potential occupational exposures to HIV.16,17 As HIV counselling, testing and referrals advance, it is imperative that adjustments be made in recommendations and practices. People found to be infected with HIV should be referred for medical care by a provider with experience and expertise treating HIV disease and be referred for prevention services and social services. HIV/AIDS reporting requirements should be followed.

HIV Testing
Many persons with HIV do not get tested until late in their infection. Approximately 40% to 50% of patients with HIV infection are diagnosed with AIDS within 1 year of first testing HIV-positive [2,4–6]. Many persons who are tested do not return to learn their test results. The National Health Interview Survey found that 12.5% of persons tested in 1994 and 13.3% in 1995 did not receive their results [7], and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that in 2000, 31% of patients who tested HIV-positive at public-sector testing sites did not return to receive their results [8]. To reduce barriers to early diagnosis of HIV infection and increase access to treatment and prevention services, the CDC announced a new initiative, “Advancing HIV Prevention: New Strategies for a Changing Epidemic” (AHP) [8]. This multifaceted program stresses the importance of routinely offering HIV testing as part of the medical visit and expands on the 1993 recommendations for testing inpatients and outpatients in acute-care hospital settings [9].

Additionally, AHP stresses the importance of using rapid HIV tests to facilitate access to early diagnosis in high prevalence areas, for high-risk individuals, and for women during labor and delivery who have not previously been tested and in nontraditional testing settings. Rapid HIV tests can play an important role in HIV prevention activities and expand access to testing in both clinical and nonclinical settings. They can help overcome some of the barriers to early diagnosis and improve linkage to care of infected persons. This paper will review the operating and performance characteristics, quality assurance (QA) and laboratory requirements for currently available rapid HIV tests, and counseling implication.

Four rapid HIV tests have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA): OraQuick® (and its newer version OraQuick® Advance) Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test (OraSure Technologies, Inc., Bethlehem, PA); Reveal™ (and its newer version Reveal™ G2) Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test (MedMira, Halifax, Nova Scotia); Uni-Gold Recombigen HIV Test (Trinity BioTech, Bray, Ireland); and Multispot HIV-1/HIV-2 Rapid Test (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Redmond, WA). Like conventional HIV enzyme immunoassays (EIAs), rapid HIV tests are screening tests that require confirmation if reactive. Though each of these rapid HIV tests has unique characteristics, they share many common features, including how the tests work, the use of external controls, and other requirements such as the product information sheets that are provided to patients.

OraQuick® Advance Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test
On November 7, 2002, the FDA approved the OraQuick® Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test for use on fingerstick blood samples. It received its CLIA waiver in January 2003. Subsequently, OraQuick® received approval for use with venipuncture whole blood and plasma (though OraQuick® used with plasma is classified as moderate complexity under CLIA). In 2004, OraQuick® Advance received FDA approval for use with oral fluid and for detection of both HIV-1 and HIV-2. The OraQuick® test device is shown in Figure 1. The paddle-shaped device contains a nitrocellulose strip, upon which a stripe of synthetic gp41 peptides represent- ing the HIV-1 envelope and the gp36 region of the HIV-2 envelope have been applied in the “T” (test) location, and a stripe of goat antihuman IgG in the “C” (control) location. The specimen of blood or plasma is added directly to the developer vial. For oral fluid testing, the oral fluid sample is collected by swabbing the gums with the paddle-shaped device. The test device is then added to the developer vial. If HIV antibodies are present in the specimen, they bind to the peptides causing a red line to appear in the test location. As the solution migrates further, it encounters the antihuman IgG control, and if an adequate specimen was added, a red line appears in the control location.

The test result should be read no sooner than 20 minutes and no later than 40 minutes after the test device is inserted into the developer vial. A red line at both the test and control location indicates a valid reactive test result; a red line only in the control location indicates a valid negative test result. The test is invalid and should be repeated with a new device if no line appears at the control location or if lines appear outside the areas indicated by the triangles [10].
Designed as a point-of-care HIV test, OraQuick® has been used in numerous settings including labor and delivery [11•], ambulatory clinical sites [12], emergency departments [13,14], hospital inpatient services [15] (Greenwald JL, unpublished data), correctional facilities [16], and for occupational exposures [17–19]. Additionally, OraQuick® has also been used by the military in battlefield operations [20].

Reveal™ G2 Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test
On April 17, 2003, the FDA approved the Reveal™ Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test to detect HIV antibodies in serum or plasma. In June 2004, it was superseded by the second generation Reveal™ G2 test, which incorporates an internal control [21]. Reveal™ G2 consists of a test cartridge and a proprietary colorimetric detection agent. Positive and negative external controls, which must also be reconstituted, are supplied with the kit. Reveal™ is considered reactive if both the red control line and central red test dot appear, negative if only the control line appears, and invalid if the control line does not appear (Fig. 2). The Reveal™ G2 only takes 3 minutes to run [22]. However because it requires serum or plasma from centrifuged blood samples and several reagent steps, it is classified as a moderate complexity test under CLIA and is usually performed in a clinical laboratory.

Uni-Gold Recombigen® HIV Test
The Uni-Gold Recombigen® HIV Test received FDA approval in December 2003 for testing whole blood, serum, and plasma for antibodies to HIV-1. It was waived under CLIA in 2004 for use with venipuncture and fingerstick whole blood specimens [23]. The device consists of a rectangular plastic test cartridge and a dropper bottle of buffer solution (Fig. 3). Peptides from the immunodominant region of the HIV-1 envelope are immobilized on a nitrocellulose strip in the test region. Reagents are also bound at the control region to indicate whether the test is functioning correctly, but these do not detect IgG and thus appearance of the control line does not validate that adequate patient specimen has been added. One drop of specimen is added to the specimen well on the test cartridge followed by four drops of wash buffer. The specimen combines with the colorimetric reagent and migrates along the nitrocellulose strip past the test and control regions. The test is read 10 to 12 minutes after specimen is added. A line in both the test and control regions indicates a reactive test; a line in only the control region indicates a negative test. When used with whole blood, the test is valid only if the control line is present and the sample well is red, indicating that an adequate blood sample has been added [24].

Multispot HIV-1/HIV-2 Rapid Test
The Multispot HIV-1/HIV-2 Rapid Test received FDA approval in November, 2004 [25]. Multispot is classified as a moderate complexity under CLIA, approved for use on fresh or frozen serum and plasma to both detect and distinguish HIV-1 from HIV-2. Multispot consists of a test cartridge and five reagents: specimen diluent, wash solution, conjugate, development reagent, and stop solution. The cartridge contains a membrane on which microparticles have been immobilized in four spots. Two of the spots consist of ecombinant and synthetic gp41 peptides to detect HIV-1 antibodies; one consists of synthetic gp36 peptides to detect antibodies to HIV-2; and the fourth spot consists of goat antihuman IgG as the internal control.

The test is considered positive for HIV-1 if the control spot and either or both of the HIV-1 spots turn purple, and positive for HIV-2 if the control and HIV-2 spots appear (Fig. 4). If purple appears in the control spot, the HIV-2 spot, and one or both of the HIV-1 spots, the test is considered HIV reactive (undifferentiated). In this case, the specimen may be tested by additional methods, which allow differentiation between HIV-1 and HIV-2. The test is negative when only the control spot appears. The absence of the control spot indicates an invalid result, regardless of any other spot pattern.

Rapid HIV Antibody Test Performance and Interpretation of Test Results
Like conventional EIAs, rapid HIV tests are screening tests. If performed correctly, they detect HIV antibodies with sensitivities similar to currently available EIAs [10,22,24–29] (Table 1). A negative rapid HIV test result requires no further confirmatory testing. False negative results, though rare, may occur in a person who has been acutely infected but who has not yet developed HIV antibodies. Therefore, any patient testing negative who
has had known or suspected exposure to HIV within 3 months should be instructed to retest 3 months after the exposure date [30]. Additionally, false-negative rapid HIV
test results have been observed in some patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy with undetectable virus in whom levels of HIV antibody have waned below the level of detection by the rapid HIV test [31].
A reactive result from any of the four rapid HIV tests is interpreted as a “preliminary positive” and requires confirmation by a more specific assay, typically a Western Blot (WB) or immunofluorescent assay (IFA) [10,22,24,25]. Performing a standard EIA screening prior to confirmatory testing is not required. However, if an EIA is performed, the specimen must still proceed to WB or IFA testing regardless of the EIA result. A positive WB or IFA confirms the diagnosis of HIV infection. If the con-firmatory test yields negative or indeterminate results, follow-up HIV testing should be performed on a blood specimen collected 4 weeks after the initial reactive rapid HIV test result [32•] as some patients newly infected with HIV may not have developed antibody levels sufficient to produce a positive WB or IFA [33].
Table 1 presents the test performances of US FDAapproved rapid HIV tests. It is important to note that because the test specificities are less than 100%, false positive rapid test results are an expected but rare event.
When testing low seroprevalence areas, a higher proportion of reactive tests will be false positives because there are few true positives in low-prevalence populations. The causes of falsely positive rapid HIV tests (ie, a reactive rapid HIV test with a negative or indeterminate confirmatory test) are poorly understood. Certain medical conditions may be associated with a slightly increased risk for false-positive OraQuick® rapid HIV tests (eg, hepatitis
A and B viruses, Epstein-Barr virus, multiparity, and the serologic presence of rheumatoid factor) [10].
Quality Assurance for CLIA-waived Rapid HIV Antibody Tests
Although CLIA-waived rapid HIV test devices are easy to use and can provide reliable results when the manufacturer’s directions are followed, mistakes can occur at any point in the testing process, including storage and testing area temperature, test kit shelf-life, specimen collection, test performance and results interpretation, referring specimens for confirmatory testing, managing confirmatory test results, etc. To reduce mistakes and to ensure that the FDA restrictions for sale of the test are followed, a site that performs rapid HIV tests must have a QA program in place before offering these tests.
In January 2003, the CDC convened a panel of experts including laboratory scientists and individuals from the FDA and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services to develop guidelines that outline the basic parts of a rapid HIV test QA program [32•]. The Quality Figure 3. Uni-Gold Recombigen® HIV test. A Rapid Review of Rapid HIV Antibody Tests Greenwald et al. 129 Assurance Guidelines for Testing Using the OraQuick® Rapid
HIV-1 Antibody Test are intended to assist a range of providers in developing policies, processes and procedures to ensure high quality HIV testing services. These guidelines include 1) the basics of a QA program for testing using OraQuick®, 2) an overview of government rules that apply to using this test, and 3) examples of forms/checklists that can be used to keep track of QA outcomes.

Counseling with Rapid HIV Antibody Tests
Counseling for patients choosing rapid HIV testing involves some differences compared with conventional testing, including assessing preparedness for clients to receive test results in the same session and explaining the meaning of preliminary positive results. Information can be provided either face-to-face or in a pamphlet, brochure, or video [34].
Patients with reactive rapid test results must be counseled in simple terms about the meaning of a reactive test. The provider must emphasize the need for a confirmatory test and schedule a return visit for results. Providers offering rapid HIV testing should be able to collect blood or oral fluid specimens on-site for confirmatory testing. All patients with reactive tests should be counseled on risk-reduction behaviors while awaiting the results of confirmatory testing. A simple message to convey this information could be “Your preliminary test result is positive, but we won’t know for sure if you are infected with HIV until we get the results from your confirmatory test. In the meantime, you should take precautions to avoid transmitting the virus” [34]. The New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute has also created guidelines for how to discuss reactive results stratifying the language based on the patient’s level of risk for HIV infection. For clients at high risk, the guidelines suggest saying “Based on your risk factors, it is highly likely that the preliminary test result is correct and that you have HIV” (emphasis added). For those at low risk, the phrase “quite likely” is recommended, and for those with no admitted risk factors, they advise informing them “There is a chance that this result could be a false positive” [35].
Physicians and counseling staff may be apprehensive about rapid testing specifically with regards to the ability to handle preliminary positive test results at any time. Data from RESPECT-2, a large, randomized, controlled trial that compared different forms of HIV testing and risk-reduction counseling in clients at sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics in the United States, found that after gaining experience in the field, the majority of counselors preferred rapid testing, felt that rapid HIV testing sessions resulted in enhanced counseling, and felt that it was more convenient for both clients and counseling staff [36]. Although some have expressed concern about how counselors and clients will deal with discussing and understanding reactive results [37], others have noted that providers have extensive experience managing preliminary positive test results (eg, abnormal mammograms that require biopsies and abnormal pap smears that require colposcopy) [38] and studies of rapid testing have demonstrated good client understanding of results [39].
Providing HIV counseling and testing may be challenging in some health care settings. Because the average primary care office visit in the United States is less than 18 minutes long [40], even the “brief” counseling protocol of RESPECT-2 could take up an entire office visit. In these situations, alternative procedures for HIV counseling with rapid testing should be considered, eg, providing information either in a face-to-face meeting with a counselor or in a pamphlet, brochure, or video [34].